Humankind has used the art of divination since the beginning of humanity. Seeing and interpreting signs started by just gazing at the sky and evolved into more complex methods which require some further training, patience and even life experience. The oracle is one of them. The most famous are the Oracle of Apollo in Delphi and those of Dione and Zeus at Dodona in Epirus. Images of people travelling to this sacred place in Greece asking the priestesses wearing long, white robes embroidered with beautiful ornaments for guidance appear in front of your eyes when a stranger ordering his cappuccino dares to utter 'oracle' at your favourite café . But what many people forget nowadays is that you as a person can be the oracle itself and receive messages from the universe when you connect to your higher self, surrender to the mysteries of life and become a channel for divine guidance.
In the age of digitalisation, the temptation to consult an oracle online just by downloading an app on the phone and checking it whenever we feel to, might come across as reluctant the first time. This approach might not be convenient for beginners even. Buying your first deck should be an experience and that's why going to to a spiritual shop to purchase a beautiful deck of oracle cards that we can resonate with is probably a better idea. The internet offers a wide range of choice concerning this spiritual tool and it can appear difficult to order your first pair of decks online. You might not be surprised that an artist on the other side of the world created a deck of your most favourite TV show series. There's even the possibility to make your own by using your imagination and checking out your local stationery store which can provide you with paper, crayons and scissors for designing your own artwork.
In this article, I want to share with you a selection of oracle cards which I've been using for more than three years already.
1. The Goddess Oracle by Doreen Virtue
The energy of the goddesses from various cultures was more for me a great introduction into the art of the oracle. However, I do believe that women are more likely to connect with these cards than men. The illustrations and the messages are beautiful, empowering and positive. It's the ideal deck for those who need a boost and remember that the goddesses will always support them in every stage of their lives. What I like the most about this deck is that you can call upon every goddess you need for every challenge you face whether that means attracting loving relationships, inviting more abundance or finding the right career path.
2. Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild
Alana Fairchild has included in this deck a ritual for each card. If you're into shadow work and are not afraid of your own darkness even intrigued by working with the dark side of your soul, the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck can support you with your own growth. I discovered this deck in April 2018 when I was taking part in a weekend workshop in my hometown. One of the facilitators used this deck for the altar she created for us. Since then, I was fascinated by Alana Fairchild's world. She has published an Isis, Kuan Yin and a Kali deck as well recently.
3. A Yogic Path Oracle Deck by Sahara Rose
If you're into Ayurveda, you're probably acquainted with Sahara Rose's podcast The Highest Self Podcast , I urge you to listen to her episodes as she covers basically anything you want to know as a spiritual woman: goddesses, dance, yoga, meditation and anything wellness-savvy. What is great about her podcast is that she has this wonderful gift to interview people who are experts on topics you want to discover as a modern-day living mystic in this universe.
The artwork turns out to be Danielle Noelle's known for her distinctive style as she is the genius behind the Starchild Tarot Deck. Sahara Rose was inspired by the wisdom of the Vedas and with this deck she wants you to unlock your 'inner yogi' through Ayurveda followed by beautifully illustrated messages.
4. Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss
Jung's followers who show a deep interest in the 'collective unconscious' and archetypes should not hesitate buying this wonderful deck. I found it at The Astrology Shop in London and the shopkeeper told me that it's a very good one and straight to the point. If you need a don't-take-bullshit-advice, I recommend Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss. I encourage you to discover other archetypes and be open to the different diversions that exist. The author has published a book under the same name that delves into the archeytpes which I think is a wonderful start before you dig deeper into Jung's theories.
5. Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue
Teachers, educators and parents who are searching for a suitable deck for their little ones to help them to awaken their potential can't go wrong with this one. Created by Doreen Virtue, the cards evoke a lovely fairy energy and its gentle, child-like innocence are perfect for those who seek messages from the fairy realm and connect with their inner child again.

With this selection, I hope it will bring you a step closer to the deck that was designed especially for you and your loved ones. May the art of the oracle awaken your soul, enlighten your world and spark some magic in your everyday life!