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Getting ready for your own sacred temple - How to lead women's circles

If you're considering of organizing your own women's circle, then congratulations! Welcome to the Women's Temple Club, sister!

I'm sure you will find lots of information on the internet, when it comes to advice and precautions. But I believe the best guidelines are the ones you can get from a friend, of course. So see these guidelines from a good friend.

1.Find a date

Choose a day, a date and whether you want to do it weekly, forthnightly, monthly. Holding your women's circle on a Full Moon or New Moon brings some extra ooze to your gathering.

2. Set an intention

This is probably the most important question you should ask when you want to start your own circle. What is your intention? Do you want hold space for women? Do you want to help women to get in touch with their femininity? Do you want to connect with other women more? Maybe even everything at once? Take some time to meditate on it.;-)

3. Book a venue

At the moment, most women are holding these circles online because of the special circumstances. But I'm sure we will be able to hold these circles in our own living rooms, yoga spaces or somewhere outside in the woods in the near future. Make sure to find a venue which can accommodate the number of guests who are going to join you for this special evening.

4. Include rituals and practices

From my own experience, the best women's circles were those which included practices and rituals. It adds variety to the usual sharing circle and most of the times, your sisters are open to your input and preparation. I will write an article which will focus specifically on that area.

5 Create an altar and some ambiance

This is one of my most favourite parts when it comes to preparing my own women's circles. What I find helpful the last couple of years was to take a look at astrology and the seasons of the year. For instance, if your women[s gathering takes place on a Full Moon In Leo, you can find objects, flowers, candles, crystals, images that are related to the sign of Leo. What do you associate with Leo? Doing some research on the internet, consulting books on astrology and asking a very highly intuitive woman for her advice are great for that preparation. I would even lay out oracle cards around the altar as well. Don't forget to bring your speakers and phone. Creating a playlist on Spotify is highly recommended for the atmosphere of the women's circles.

6. Think about your guests

Your guests should feel comfortable and at ease when they enter your sacred temple. Having yoga mats and blankets ready makes the space cozier for everyone. When you're sending your invitations out, ask them kindly to wear warm clothes, socks and carrying a water bottle with them. Tea and refreshments should be available at your venue. I would even bring a bowl of fruits and sweets.

7. Enjoy and learn from your sisters!

And finally, be grateful for each woman who is going to enter your special temple. Don't forget to have fun while holding space for each of them. Shanti, shanti, shanti, my love!



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